Useful Links & FAQs

The below provides an overview of useful websites for residents in Northstowe, new and established, to find out more.


* Timeline for developments in Northstowe and Frequently Asked Questions  (site owner: South Cambridgeshire DC, Communities Team)

* Northstowe FAQs (Feb. 2024 launched) and leaflet July 2022: FAQs on Northstowe developments (site owner: Homes England)

* A guide to Northstowe History (Longstanton and District Heritage Society, 2017)


Questions we often get asked:

> Q: When will we get a GP practice in town?  A (NHS Commissioning Services): A GP practice, together with pharmacy, dentistry and related NHS services are planned for the Phase 2 Civic Hub - currently expected 2028 delivery of Civic Hub (information shared at Northstowe Community Forum 12th July 2023).

> Q: When will the roads in Phase 1 be finished and adopted? A (L&Q): work on this is to start early 2024, to finish all roads, cycle paths and footways across the Phase 1 main roads network, with intention to pass these onto County Council for adoption in 2025 (information shared at Northstowe Community Forum 12th July 2023).

> Q: When will the houses in phase 1 be finished? A (L&Q): Except possibly for Bovis parcel H5 (Bovis) where work was stopped for much of 2023, housebuilding in all other parcels across Phase 1 is expected to be finished before the end of 2024 (information shared at Northstowe Community Forum 12th July 2023).

 > Q: How can I book a venue for an event/activity/party? A: The following options are available: Bookings for the Temporary Community Centre at The Green, managed by SCDC. Other options are at the Northstowe Secondary College, with some hiring out also done by Pathfinder Primary School (contact for enquiries). You can also book at the Sports Pavilion - book via or via for one-off bookings of 4G pitch.

> Q: Can I pitch my food van in Northstowe?   A: Please see the District Council guidance on street trading for further information and different license needs and options. You will also need an agreement directly with the landowner - contact L&Q or Homes England directly (see here for their contact details) if you are considering a food van on the (as yet unadopted) roads in phases 1 and phase 2 respectively. NB: on The Green, on land owned by SCDC, the District Council has an arrangement in place and which is managed through Northstowe Foodies - food vans are there most Thu - Fri and Sat night. And, don't forget, the Town Council also has its own, weekly Sunday market - for enquiries see our contacts page.



Willingham Medical Practice and Longstanton Branch Surgery - contact details.

- Please note that the Willingham (& Longstanton Branch) Medical Practice has an option for enhanced access, delivered by the Cambs GP Network - this means that, when asking for an 'enhanced access' appointment, further slots can often be offered in evenings and weekends in surrounding villages including at Over and Milton Medical Practices. 

Defibrillator:  Pathfinder Primary School, accessible 24/7.

location defibrillator:  Map_defibrillator location_low res.png. See also to find a defibrillator in your area. This defibrillator is also registered with the national system The Circuit.

You will need to call 999 to get the access code to open the protective case where the defibrillator is stored. Find out more how to use a defibrillator (includes a 4-minute film)

Useful Overview of range of links for support for the Cost-of-Living crisis

GENERAL & COMMUNITY INFORMATION: - general information about Northstowe with information on developers when considering buying a home; community information and leisure information - site owner: Homes England

* - with events calendar and links to useful community sites, and map of Northstowe - site owner: local residents/community groups. Further useful sites, for finding out about events and such: Northstowe Arts , Northstowe Winter Festival and Sustainable Northstowe

* Northstowe News: magazine run by residents/community groups, delivered door-to-door every other month; back issues can be viewed online. 

*  Northstowe Community Forum - view the recordings of past quarterly meetings, from developers, local authorities and other organisations; also with handy FAQs - site owner: South Cambridgeshire District Council.

* Information on Northstowe - site owner: South Cambs DC 

* Active New communities - Northstowe: overview of Sport clubs etc. - site owner: Living Sport

 * PARKRUN: a ParkRun was set up in Northstowe in June 2024 - see home | Bug Hunter Waters parkrun | Bug Hunter Waters parkrun for further details, or contact - see also course page for further details and instructions related to parking, facilities, safety and use of shared paths around the lake.

YOUTH CAFE in The Cabin - every Wednesday 3:30-5pm (for children school years 7-9) and every Monday from 6 - 7:30 pm (for teenagers - years 9 - Sixth form) next to Pioneer Park (delivered through the work by several organisations, including Northstowe Youth Hive).

YOUTH WORK: Romsey Mill has a dedicated Youth Development Worker for Northstowe, who started early 2023.

See also here for regular activities in The Cabin




 * Northstowe - travel information - with links to walking and cycling routes/maps. Site owner: Homes England, with Cambridgeshire County Council's Smart Journeys

* BizBike - Community E-bike hire in Northstowe

* Active New Communities - Northstowe - Family-friendly Cycling routes around Northstowe. Site owner: living Sport.

* Stagecoach - information about the Guided Busway towards St Ives/Huntingdon and towards Cambridge North station/Cambridge centre/Addenbrookes hospital.

BUSWAY Timetable from 3rd September 2023 

Stagecoach bus Citi 5 timetables: Longstanton P&R - Bar Hill - Cambridge    and   Cambridge - Bar Hill - Longstanton P&R  NOTE: Timetable from 3rd September 2023

Stagecoach bus 5A timetable: Longstangton P&R - Swavesey - Over - Willingham - Longstanton P&R

* OWLS Community Car Scheme 

* Useful information on all community car schemes and public transport options in South Cambridgeshire

* Details on (emergency) roadworks in the area - can be found at


* EDUCATIONPathfinder Primary School    Northstowe Secondary College    Martin Baker Academy (special needs provision).

See also: Northstowe Learning Academy


LIBRARY: The mobile library bus comes to the Green in Northstowe on the 2nd Friday each month, from 3:20 - 4:20pm.


ALLOTMENTS: to find out about getting an allotment in Phase 1, please check with the Northstowe Horticultural Association 



Map of local recycling and refill stations (site owner: Sustainable Northstowe).

Bin collection schedule (site owner: South Cambridgeshire District Council) - NB: Northstowe is usually on Fridays. 



* The Planning Authority for Northstowe is South Cambridgeshire District Council, delivered through the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service - see also its online Planning Portal where you can search for all current and past planning applications.

Some development applications, such as those related to Highways and Educational Facilities, are considered instead through the Cambridgeshire County Council's Planning Services.



If you find that links are broken, or particular websites are missing, please do let us know, we would love to hear from you.

Disclaimer: the fact that the Town Council includes a link to an external page does not necessarily mean it endorses the website or its content, and the Town Council is not responsible for third party's content, nor can it be held responsible for any issues that may stem from clicking through to third party's websites.