Your Town Councillors

Cllr Paul Littlemore

Cllr Paul Littlemore

Town Mayor since May 2023. Elected Member since May 2021.

Planning Committee (Vice-Chair); Finance and Governance Committee.
Rep for: Northstowe Delivery Group; Open Spaces SG

Homes England; Heritage SG; Cabin Board; Kickstart

I moved to Northstowe in 2018 and have lived in Cambridgeshire all of my adult life. I work as an IT Solutions Engineer for a multi-national software company, dealing with complex sets of requirements and designing and delivering cost-effective solutions in a timely manner.

I have often been encouraged to take part in local democracy by friends involved in Parish Councils, and the formation of Northstowe Town Council felt like the right time to put myself forward. Areas I am particularly passionate about are open space management and the future of the Greenbelt changes, ensuring that the Town Council can grow other revenue streams beside precept and ensuring that development is of the highest possible quality and the developers meet their Section 106 obligations on time.

Together let's make sure that Northstowe is a great place to live, work and visit.

Cllr Shola Delip

Cllr Shola Delip

Deputy-Mayor - since May 2024. Elected Member since May 2021.

Personnel Committee (Vice-Chair). Lead for:
Community Lounge WG; Rep for: Faith Strategy Group

Community Networkers; Plastic Free SG.

A very friendly and approachable IT Consultant
who has worked in various civil service departments for around 20 years and
left civil service, to do a Masters in Computer Science.

I moved to Northstowe from London in August 2019 with my husband and son and fell in love with the diverse and growing community here. I have helped set up several clubs and communities in Northstowe and am an active member in all of them.

As a Town Councillor my priorities will be on making Northstowe safer by helping prevent crime, organise events for the community that are affordable by everyone and for all age groups young or old, tackle mental health, domestic violence and work towards the well-being of the community. My focus will also be on sustainability and climate change.

Cllr Jason Benedicic

Cllr Jason Benedicic

Elected Member since May 2021.

Finance and Governance Committee (Vice-Chair); Planning Committee.
Lead for: Asset Transfer Working Group.

Rep for: Homes England; Open Spaces SG.

Born and raised in Cambridge, I am familiar with the area and understand the challenges faced by residents across the county. My IT consultancy career has allowed opportunities to live in multiple places and travel the world. This has given me a well-rounded perspective and valuable experience.

We moved to Northstowe to raise our family. As part of that I want to give back to the community and make this new town somewhere residents are proud to live. I am passionate about sustainability, local business and providing services for all residents.

The possibilities for Northstowe are endless and I believe we should all be able to have a voice and shape its future. Ensuring accountability with the developers, making certain that facilities are provided where required, and that the community is given the best chance of success are top priorities for me.

Cllr Richard Owen

Cllr Richard Owen

Elected Member since May 2021 (Mayor from 2021-2023)

Planning Committee (Chair); Finance and Governance Committee.
Rep for: Northstowe Delivery Group.

Cllr Naveen Castelino

Cllr Naveen Castelino

Elected Member since May 2021.

Finance and Governance Committee (Chair); Personnel Committee.
Rep for: Homes England; Kickstart Fund Panel.

I moved to Northstowe in December 2017 with my wife and son. Before that, I lived in Chesterton, Cambridge for 7 years. I work as a business development executive for an aerospace & automotive company based in Cambridge.

I was a Parish Councillor in the combined Northstowe & Longstanton Parish Council before being elected to the Northstowe Town Council. Being a Councillor gives me the chance to represent the views of the local people, ensure that community interests are taken into account and be involved in shaping the future of the local community.

I enjoy playing badminton and tennis. 

Cllr Carla Bros Sabria

Cllr Carla Bros Sabria

Elected Member since May 2021.

Personnel Committee (Chair); Planning Committee.
Rep for: Youth Partnership work.

Born and raised in Spain, after having lived in
Cambridge for 7 years, I moved to Northstowe in January 2020 with my husband
and son. I have an environmental science background and work as a social policy
researcher. I am passionate about sustainable living and a firm believer of
local governance and community engagement. I am Chair of the Northstowe
Sustainability Community Group, and I love playing tennis if I have any spare

As Town Councillor, I want to make a difference in the next key moments of the development of our community. I will work for Northstowe to become an exemplary healthy, positive, innovative and socially connected town. My focus will be on sustainability, local economy and participation, and I aim to represent the views and concerns of all residents.

Cllr Kathy Males

Cllr Kathy Males

Elected Member since May 2021.

Rep for: Northstowe Support Partnership.

I am a local person who moved a whole mile to Northstowe in 2018. I love the chance of building a new community with a diverse and multi-national population and I have been actively involved in helping set up several Northstowe groups.

My passion is for people, community and inclusion. I have lived in social housing in the past and was a lone parent for many years. I want to help ensure that all groups are well represented on the council and that the quality of life for every resident is improved through practical measures.

On a personal note, I enjoy swimming, badminton, yoga, singing and traveling. I have 2 well educated adult sons.

Cllr Deborah Oluwasanya

Cllr Deborah Oluwasanya

Elected Member since May 2021.

Finance and Governance Committee.
Rep for: Plastic Free SG.

I am a scientist and a mother who cares deeply about where we raise our children and the foundations we lay for our future,

When I think of Northstowe, I think of "our home" and the collective responsibility we have to make all it needs to be for us - a place where everyone feels welcome, heard and included amongst others.

As Town Councillor three things will guide my service - our children, our future, our home. 

Cllr Amitkumar Panvekar

Cllr Amitkumar Panvekar

Elected Member since May 2021.

I am Amit Panvekar, working as Software Engineer in Cambridge. I am born in India, living in the UK since 2010.

I moved to Northstowe in 2017, and, among one of the first residents of the Northstowe. And I am proud of living here and part of the ever growing community.

As working in multinational company, I have developed skillsets of working under pressure and tighter deadlines. I believe I can use my experience and skills for development of community.

Let’s come together to support and help developing our town.

Cllr Pradeep Susarla

Cllr Pradeep Susarla

Elected Member since May 2021

Personnel Committee.
Lead for: Road Safety Working Group.

Rep for: Faith Strategy Group.

Cllr Snow Nikoro

Elected Member since May 2022 (Co-opted March 2022).

Planning Committee; Personnel Committee.

Cllr Ioana Sovago

Cllr Ioana Sovago

Member, co-opted June 2022.

Planning Committee.
Rep for: Open Spaces SG.

I grew up in Romania and I have lived in Glasgow, Copenhagen, Kent and Cambridge. My husband and I moved to Northstowe in 2021.

I have a background in science and I am currently working in tech as a Product Manager. I am involved in the Sport and Wellbeing committee and I like playing table tennis in my spare time.

As part of the Town Council my priorities will be ensuring the right facilities are developed as promised, and secondly, the safety of our new town.

Cllr Balaji Kinnera

Cllr Balaji Kinnera

Member, co-opted June 2022.

Rep for: Faith Strategy Group.

Cllr Majdi Mgaidia

Member, co-opted June 2022

Rep for: Open Spaces Steering Group; Homes England meetings;
Pavilion Board.

Cllr Dan Greef

Cllr Dan Greef

Member, co-opted December 2022.

I was raised in Norfolk, but moved to Cambridgeshire in 2012 to work as a history teacher. A few years ago I set up my own business, a bakery and chocolate maker with a kitchen in Oakington. I moved to Northstowe in 2022, attracted by the diversity, the beautiful environment and the chance to be part of building this new community. I put myself forwards for the Town Council because I am passionate that as this town grows, sustainability, social equality and support for the local economy remain at its heart. I bring my business experience to the council so that we can support local small businesses to flourish, particularly through developing the local market. My dream is that Northstowe will have a high street of local, independent businesses in the future.

Registers of Interest

Registers of Interest for Town Councillors can be found at the South Cambridgeshire District's webpage for Northstowe Town Council, see: Parish council - Northstowe Town Council (

Find out more about Registers of Interests for Town Councillors here





Former Councillors and Mayors

Your MP, County and District Members

Cambridgeshire County Councillor (Division: Longstanton, Northstowe and Over)

website: County Council - Councillors  

Cllr Firouz Thompson (Liberal Democrats)


phone: 07974680875



District Councillors (Longstanton Ward: Longstanton; Northstowe; Oakington & Westwick parishes)

Website: SCDC - Councillors 


Cllr Natalie Warren-Green (Liberal Democrats) 


Phone: 07990 553 997 



Cllr  Thomas Bygott (Conservatives)


phone: 07765 475 513


Member of Parliament (St Neots and Mid-Cambridgeshire)

Ian Sollom MP (Liberal Democrats)

Website Ian Sollom MP