Your Town Council

Shortly after the formation of the parish, 15 members were elected to Northstowe Town Council on the 6th May 2021. Elections took place again in May 2022, bringing this in line with the 4 year election cycle across the rest of South Cambridgeshire.

You can find out who your Town Councillors are on the "Your Councillors" section of this website.


To find out more how the Town Council functions, please visit our Policies and Accounts web pages.

The Town Council holds monthly Full Council meetings and has several Standing Committees that meet regularly. All meetings are always open to the public.


In addition to the official Council meetings, several Working Groups have been formed to research and prepare information, to bring this back to the relevant Council meeting for decision-making; the current Working Groups are:

> Working Groups reporting back to Full Council:

Northstowe Town Council also has formal representation at a wide number of external partnerships. Reports or minutes from those partnerships - where the Town Council is allowed to share - are available in the supporting documents to Full Council meetings. The external partnerships the Town Council sits on currently are;

> Northstowe Delivery Group (meets monthly; managed by South Cambs DC) - allocated NTC representatives: Cllr Littlemore; Cllr Owen; Town Clerk. NB: there is also a Northstowe Civic Hub Project Core Team that feeds into the Northstowe Delivery Group.

> Northstowe Phase 1 Open Spaces Maintenance and Management Steering Group (meets monthly; managed by South Cambs DC) - allocated NTC representatives: Cllr Benedicic; Cllr Littlemore; Cllr Mgaidia.

> Homes England Quarterly Parish/Town meetings (meets quarterly; managed by Homes England) - allocated NTC representatives: Cllr Benedicic; Cllr Castelino; Cllr Littlemore; Cllr Mgaidia.

> Temporary Community Centre Management Board (meets monthly - to change to quarterly TBC; managed by South Cambs DC) - allocated NTC representatives: Town Clerk; with Cllr Littlemore as reserve. 

> Phase 1 Sports Pavilion Management Board (meets monthly - to change to bi-monthly TBC; managed by South Cambs DC) - allocated NTC representatives: Town Clerk, with Cllr Mgaidia as reserve.

> Northstowe Support Partnership (meets quarterly; managed by Cambridgeshire CC) - allocated NTC representatives: Cllr Males.

> Northstowe Faith Strategy Group (meets quarterly; managed by South Cambs DC) - allocated NTC representatives: Cllr Delip; Cllr Kinnera; Cllr Susarla.

> Northstowe Community Networkers (meets every other month; managed by South Cambs DC) - allocated NTC representatives: Cllr Delip; also Deputy Clerk attending regularly.

> Northstowe & Longstanton Heritage Stakeholder Group (meets as and when; managed by Cambridgeshire CC) - allocated NTC representatives: Cllr Littlemore.

> Plastic Free Longstanton and Northstowe Steering Group [part of Sustainable Northstowe] (meets monthly; managed by Sustainable Northstowe) - allocated NTC representatives: Cllr Delip; Cllr Oluwasanya.

> Northstowe Youth Partnership (meets as and when; managed by Cambridgeshire CC with Northstowe Youth Hive) - allocated NTC representatives: Cllr Bros Sabria.

> South Cambs DC Parish/Cabinet Liaison meeting (meets as and when; managed by South Cambs DC) -allocated NTC representatives: Cllr Mgaidia.

> Social Value and Engagement Steering Group (meets quarterly; managed by Homes England) - allocated NTC representative: Cllr Bros Sabria. 

NB: Northstowe Town Council also has regular representation at the Northstowe Community Forum (meets quarterly; managed by South Cambs DC).