Northstowe Community Forum on 13th October at 7pm

Published: 07 October 2021

The Northstowe Community Forum is a space for local residents to engage with developers and public sector bodies about the new town of Northstowe.

The next of these quarterly meetings is to be held on 13th October, starting at 7pm (via Zoom).

There is a full agenda, with lots of presentations where you can learn more about what is going on and what is being planned in terms of services and facilities for residents.

Find out more at Northstowe Community Forum - South Cambs District Council ( – here you can find the agenda (see also the image below) and where you can also watch videos of past meeting presentations.

As a resident, you are also more than welcome to ask questions you may have in advance, which will be taken on board in the meeting wherever possible – please send your question before 11th October, to the email advertised on Northstowe Community Forum - South Cambs District Council (