Greater Cambridge Local Plan Consultation now live – Have your Say!
Published: 04 November 2021
Don’t forget to comment on the first proposals for the Greater Cambridge Local Plan – consultation runs from 1 November to 13 December.
All communities, stakeholders, statutory consultees, and anyone with an interest in the future of Greater Cambridge are encouraged to respond.
Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council are working together to create a joint Local Plan for their combined districts – the Greater Cambridge Local Plan. This is a really important moment for our area, as the new plan will shape what is built, where and how, across Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire over the next 20 years.
The First Proposals set out where new homes, green spaces, business space and other facilities could be located across the area, as well as policies about climate change, biodiversity and much more.
Visit for more details, including an interactive map and questionnaire, from 1 November to 13 December 2021.
There will also be online and in-person events during the consultation period where you can find out more and have your questions answered by officers. Full details are on the webpage, and below gives an overview of key events planned:
- 4 November, 12-1pm: Online event: About the plan and how to comment. Join via Zoom, passcode 164536.
- 10 November, 12-1pm: Online event: Explore the numbers for jobs and homes. Join via Zoom, passcode 466746.
- 10 November, 6-8pm: Cambridge East Community Forum
- 11 November, 12-1pm: Online event: Explore the sites and spatial strategy. Join via Zoom, passcode 390946.
- 11 November, 4-7pm: In-person drop-in event: Clay Farm community centre
- 13 November, 10am-1pm: In-person drop-in event: Melbourn Hub
- 17 November, 12-1pm: Online event: Climate change and water. Join via Zoom, passcode 643381.
- 17 November, 6pm: North West and West Cambridge Community Forum
- 18 November, 4.30-7.30pm: In-person drop-in event: Cambourne Hub
- 18 November, 6.30pm: North Area Committee
- 19 November, 10am-12pm: Abbey People community coffee morning, Barnwell Hub
- 20 November, 10am-12pm: In-person drop-in event: Barnwell Hub
- 24 November, 12-1pm: Online event: Biodiversity and green spaces. Join via Zoom, passcode 482734.
- 25 November, 12-1pm: Online event: North East Cambridge: the Area Action Plan and the Local Plan. Join via Zoom, passcode 400405
- 25 November, 3-7pm: In-person drop-in event: Arbury Community Centre
- 25 November, 6.30pm: West Central Area Committee
- 27 November, 9am-12pm: In-person drop-in event: Great Shelford Farmers Market
- 29 November, 7pm: South Area Committee
- 2 December, 6.30pm: East Area Committee
Please comment using the online consultation tools, if at all possible. If you have difficulty commenting online, please contact us on 01954 713694 or and they will let you know the best way to comment using other methods.
Comments received during the consultation period will be fully considered and will inform the ongoing preparation of the plan. All comments received during the consultation period will be published. Please refer to the privacy notice for further details, which can be found on the above-mentioned website.
Above information has been obtained from the Greater Cambridge Local Plan team, for distribution to residents in the communities affected by the proposals.