'Being the change you want to see’

Published: 30 June 2023

Text and images kindly supplied by staff from Pathfinder Primary School, recipient of one of the Town Council's Community Grants:

The 2021/2022 School Council completed the Archbishops’ Young Leaders Award, which focuses on ‘being the change you want to see’.

As part of this the children looked at their local community and went on a walk around Northstowe. When completing their walk, they noticed there was litter on the ground and the Northstowe sign was damaged.

The children discussed these issues and decided to make posters to stop the littering and speeding around Northstowe.

They wrote to the Northstowe Town Council to as permission to put the posters up. With the help of Northstowe Town Council, we were able to have these posters produced on appropriate material to withstand the weather.

 Some of the 8 posters as they can now be seen in different places across Northstowe: