What can and cannot be done in Water Park, Northstowe?

Published: 20 October 2023

We at the Town Council, as well as other people including the South Cambs DC Community Development Officers for Northstowe, do often get questions about what can and cannot be done on and around the ‘Water Park’, the lake between the Bovis, Linden and Taylor Wimpey houses and the Guided Busway.


Please note the useful statement received from Anglian Water, explaining further details. Please note this refers to the ‘Bug Hunter Waters’, the lake that is part of Northstowe Phase 1 (The southernmost two lakes are owned and managed through Homes England).

“Northstowe Waterpark, sometimes known as Bug Hunter Waters, is a really important balancing facility that Anglian Water own. This is because it helps to protect the local area and properties from flooding if there’s particularly heavy rain.

A balancing facility is essentially a way that Anglian Water can control surface water run-off, in terms of how the water flows, how it’s stored and drains. While it may look like a regular pond, under the surface it’s actually quite a technical piece of kit, and so it’s really important that it’s used as it was designed to be used.

Because of this, the water can’t be used recreationally – whether that be on the water, in the water or from the banks of the water. So while we encourage everyone to enjoy the grounds of the park, including the cycle ways and walkways, please stay clear of the water and leave it for the wildlife to enjoy.

Please also be aware that access to motorcycles, motor vehicles and horses is strictly prohibited, for the safety and enjoyment of others visiting the park.”


Do you have any more questions?

Questions, or to report any issues regarding Bug Hunter Waters (lake in phase 1) and its surrounding land: please contact Anglian Water - call 03457 145145 or email: CustService@anglianwater.co.uk

To contact Homes England about what can and cannot be done on and around the recently opened lakes in Phase 2: call 0845 603 1485 or email northstowe2@homesengland.gov.uk or visit their website


For more contact details to report issues you may spot, see also our ‘Report It’ webpage.


NB, Image: with thanks to: credit Hugh Venables, Creative Copyright – as published at Geograph.co.uk

Image_Hugh Venables_Creative Copyright at Geographdotorgdotuk_Water Park.jpg