New Town Council formed!

Published: 12 May 2022

At last night's (11th May 2022) Annual Meeting of the Town Council, the new Council was officially formed, following the (uncontested) elections held recently.

Congratulations to all 11 Councillors who continue to stand as Member of Northstowe Town Council, with Cllr. Richard Owen re-elected as Northstowe's Town Mayor, and Cllr. Paul Littlemore re-elected as Deputy-Mayor.

The Council will serve for 4 years this time, and has lots of plans it will get on with now and in the coming years.

If you have any concerns, ideas or any other observations for the Town Council to take on board, please do contact us - thank you.


Elected Councillors NTC_May 2022 

Source: SCDC Elections 2022 webpage.  in the file 'notice of uncontested elections parishes'