Planning Committee

The overall purpose of this standing committee is: (a) to ensure informed local knowledge is brought to bear on planning and licensing applications and to convey those views in a timely way to the appropriate authority; (b) to ensure local knowledge is brought to bear in relation to highway, road safety and transportation matters affecting the Town Council’s geographical area and (c) to contribute to the formation of planning policies both locally and nationally.

Meeting Dates, Agenda & Minutes

21 Jan 25

20:00 to 21:00

The Cabin - Assembly Room 2


18 Feb 25

20:00 to 21:00

The Cabin - Assembly Room 2

18 Mar 25

20:00 to 21:00

The Cabin - Assembly Room 2

15 Apr 25

20:00 to 21:00

The Cabin - Assembly Room 2

20 May 25

20:00 to 21:00

The Cabin - Assembly Room 2

Planning Committee Members

Cllr Richard Owen

Cllr Richard Owen

Elected Member since May 2021 (Mayor from 2021-2023)

Planning Committee (Chair); Finance and Governance Committee., Rep for: Northstowe Delivery Group.

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Cllr Paul Littlemore

Cllr Paul Littlemore

Town Mayor since May 2023. Elected Member since May 2021.

Planning Committee (Vice-Chair); Finance and Governance Committee., Rep for: Northstowe Delivery Group; Open Spaces SG

Homes England; Heritage SG; Cabin Board; Kickstart

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Cllr Jason Benedicic

Cllr Jason Benedicic

Elected Member since May 2021.

Finance and Governance Committee (Vice-Chair); Planning Committee., Lead for: Asset Transfer Working Group.

Rep for: Homes England; Open Spaces SG.

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Cllr Carla Bros Sabria

Cllr Carla Bros Sabria

Elected Member since May 2021.

Personnel Committee (Chair); Planning Committee., Rep for: Social Value and Engagement SG;

Youth Partnership work

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